Online or in-person
September, 30th 2024

Congreso Internacional Open libraries: open science, open learning

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UNED Library, along with the UNESCO Chair in Distance Education (CUED), will be holding the International Conference Open Libraries: open science, open learning, in Madrid, from September 30th to October 3rd. The conference will focus on research and learning in Europe and the role of university libraries as support units for universities in both processes.    

The conference is also part of the Erasmus Staff programme, so participation is open to researchers, librarians and technicians from the scientific dissemination departments of any Spanish or European university. We will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss European and National programmes, projects and commitments, as well as to hold complementary working sessions between libraries of distance learning universities that work on common issues.   

The conference can be attended in person and by streaming. 

Dates and places
September, 30th 2024
09:00 to 10:00 h.

Monday, September 30th, 2024
Where: Salón de actos de la Facultad de Educación de la UNED 
9:00-9:30  Welcome and registering
9:30-9:50 Official Welcome speech.  Ricardo Mairal Usón,  Rector at UNED; Laura Alba, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Multilingualism at UNED; Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira, UNESCO Chair of Distance Education Director; Isabel Calzas González, Head of UNED Central Library.
9:50-10:20  OpenEU: a strategic alliance of distance learning universities. Laura Alba, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Multilingualism at UNED; Fernando Val, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Projects and International Relationships at UNED; Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira, UNESCO Chair of Distance Education Director (CUED).
10:20-11:20  Inaugural Speech. Rights retention policies and negotiations with publishers Bibsam Consortium. Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director of Stockholm University.
11:20-11:50  Coffee break
12:00-12:45  European policies to promote open access: The role of ANECA in the implementation of the Spanish Open Science Strategy. Susana Quicios Molina. Teaching Staff Evaluation Division Manager of ANECA.   
12:45-13:30  Open Science and the contribution of CoARA to the transformation of research funding. Eva Méndez, Professor at the Department of Librarianship and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid and member of the CoARA’s board of directors.
13:45-14:30 Round table The role of scientific editors in the open science scenario. Moderator: Eva Méndez. Participants: Wilhelm WidmarkReme Melero, Researcher at IATA del (CSIC), Juan Burriel Bielza, Cambridge University Press; Becky Castellón, MDPI.
14:30-14:45 Scival: a partner in the analysis and evaluation of scientific production. Annapaola Migani, Elsevier.
16:00-18:00 Guided tour to the National Library of Spain (REBIUN)
20:30  Official Dinner (for scientific committee, organising committee, speakers and sponsors). 
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
Where: Salón de actos de la Facultad de Educación de la UNED  
9:30-10:15  Research Information Management Systems in Support of Open Science and Open Access. Pablo de Castro, Secretary euroCRIS Board institutional repository. Strathcly University of Glasgow, Open Access Advocacy Librarian. Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS). 
10:15-10:45  Next generation repositoriesWilliam Nixon, member of the International Association COAR’s Executive Board.
10:45-11:30  EOSC: strategies, projects and actions. Pilar Rico Castro, Head of the Department of Open Access at FECYT, EOSC Steering Board member.
11:30-12:15  Coffee break
12:15-12:45  European Libraries for Open Science: Legal framework conditions for Open Science – challenges and strategies for libraries, Eric Steinhauer, Head of the FernUniversität Library in Hagen (Germany).
12:45-13:30  Artificial Intelligence applied to learning. Sergio Martín Gutiérrez, UNED Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Educational Technologies.  
13:30-14:30  Round table The future of libraries in the context of Open Science. Moderator: Isabel Calzas González, Head of the UNED Library. Participants: Pablo de Castro, María Boyer, Head of the UPM Library and member of the  Permanent Committee of REBIUN; Madalena Carvalho, Director of the Documentation Services at Universidade Aberta (Portugal).
14:30  Conference closing 
The event could be attended in person or via streaming.
16:00-17:30  Guided tour to Senado de España Library (GROUP A)
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
ERASMUS staff training — Where: Biblioteca Central  
10:00-11:00 Guided tour to UNED’s Central Library 
11:00-12:00 Best practices in Libraries Conference – Erasmus staff.
 12:30-13:00 Presentation of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library McGill University (Canadá). Hello from the other side (of the pond): Open library practices in Canada. Speakers: Marcela Y. Isuster y Emily Kinsgland (Coordinator, Digital Scholarship Hub). Humanities & Social Sciences Library McGill University (Canada).
13:00-14:45  International lunch
16:00-18:00 Guided tour to the National Library of Spain (GROUP B)
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
ERASMUS staff training — Where: Madrid Regional Library
10:00-11:30 Guided tour to Senado de España Library  (GROUP B)
12:00-14:00  Guided tour to the  Madrid Regional Library
15:30-16:30 Guided tour to the National Library of Spain (GROUP A)
  • Monday, September, 30th 2024
    • 09:00-10:00 h. Welcome and registering
    This activity allows the student to participate in-person assistance or online assistance live, without having to go to the associated center.

    UNED Library, alongside with the UNESCO Chair in Distance Education (CUED), will be holding the International Conference Open Libraries: open science, open learning, in Madrid, from September 30th to October 3rd.  
    Online Registration in UNED Foundation website. 

    Free registration for participants (attendance in-person)

    1. Maximun number of participants: 100
    2. Streaming registration: 35€ 
    3. Deadline of applying: Monday, September 17th 2024 

    If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us:

    UNED Information for Mobility Agreement ERASMUS:
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).? ?  
    Código /?Erasmus code: E MADRID01
    Dirección / Address: C/ Bravo Murillo 38 - 28015 Madrid?  
    País / Country: Spain  
    Código de país / Country Code: ?E

    To register for the conference, click on register online' beneath the table of fees

      Bibliotecarios y estudiantes de la UNED Estudiantes y desempleados del área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación General registration fee REBIUN members registration fee Streaming registration fee Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED Erasmus
    Fee---Free35 €-Free
    Directed by
    Beatriz Tejada Carrasco
    Licenciada en Documentación por la UAH y en Filosofía por la UCM. Community Management por la Fundación UNED. Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica por la UCM.
    Coordinated by
    Carolina Corral Trullench
    Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información. Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica por la UCM.


    Editorial MDPI


    Fundación UNED
    UNED Escuela Internacional de Doctorado
    Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Esta actividad impacta en los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible:

    Fundación UNED
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    28003 Madrid Madrid
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